Poles and Pylones

Overview selected tag

Around the poles

Row of bars

Rod snake

Cloverleaf around poles

Cloverleaf around pylons

Cloverleaf in counter canter

Pylon chaos

Pylon eight with inside and outside position

Compasses downsizing over poles

Looped serpentine at trot and canter

Rod compartments

Poles and pylons

Straight and curved lines


Backwards around pylons

Leg yielding over bars

Large bar square

Staggered bars

Small pole square I

Spatial circles

Small pole square II


Small square of poles III

Small bar square V

Small pole square VI

Bar triangle I

Bar triangle II

Bar triangle III

Bar triangle V

Rod zigzag

Rod zigzag with large bows

Backwards through bar lanes

Backwards through a bar-L

Sweeping over bars into the corner

Eight with rod and pylons

Reduce bars

Trot and gallop cavaletti on the circle

Angled gallop cavaletti

Inclined bars

Walk Cavaletti

Voltes to the outside

In-out Gymnastics

Cavaletti on the center line

Champagne glass

Trotting bars on the center line

Double Eight

Halved compass

Slalom at canter

Small bar square IV

Canter jumps plus-minus with Cavaletti

Pole row with intermediate step

Canter over the pole star

4 Poles and 3 Gaits

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