
Overview selected tag

Curved serpentines

Work on a circle


Trot -Hold- Trot

Trotting from a Leg Yield

Neck gymnastics

From the back into the canter volt

Transitions on the straight line

Cantering along the middle line

Transitions at the points

Transitions on the middle circle

Simple change on curved serpentines

Simple change on serpentines

Stepped transitions

Triple volts

Volte Transitions

Transitions on the Circle - Eight Figure

Transitions through the compass

Transitions on the diagonal

Canter- Walk transitions on the volt

Counting the Canter Strides

Galloping out of the volt


Canter -hold-canter


Cantering out of the trot extension

Cantering from the leg yield

Trotting from the backwards Transitions

Transitions with row of rods

Transitions with pole compartments

Stop in front of the pole

Enlarge and tighten a circle

Reducing the track

Enlarging the arena

Simple gallop change

Leg yielding

Leg yielding on a Loped Serpentine

Row of bars

Leg yielding over bars

Large bar square

Staggered bars

Small pole square I

Small bar square V

Meaning of looseness

Sweeping over bars into the corner

Trot and gallop cavaletti on the circle

Walk Cavaletti

Balance and looseness of the rider

Behavior that negatively influences the rider's relaxation

In-out Gymnastics

Cavaletti on the center line

Double Eight

Trotting bars on the center line

Pole row with intermediate step

Canter over the pole star

Solving, assembling and collecting lessons

4 Poles and 3 Gaits

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