
Overview selected tag

Around the poles

Counter canter through alleys

Serpentines with flying changes

Counter Canter: Simple serpentine line

Snowman from an outside position

Cantering aid

Concentrated flying changes on the diagonal

Circle Deluxe

Counter-shoulder in

Renvers and extension


From the back into the canter volt

Canter strides Plus- Minus

Transitions on the straight line

Counting the Canter Strides

The swing

Trotting from the backwards Transitions

Transitions with row of rods

Transitions with pole compartments

Short turn

Reducing the track

Enlarging the arena

Turn on the forehand

Turn on the hindquarters

Flying change

Flying change over a pole

Leg yielding

Shoulder in




Reducing and enlarging side passages on a Circle

Side walks and tempo changes on the circle line


Combined side movements on the circular line

Volt-shoulder-in traverse

Zig-zag side passages

Sideward Revolts

Traversal with embedded volte

Half traverses with included eight voltes

Travers from the corner

Travers on the circle

Leg yielding on a Loped Serpentine

Lateral gaits, cantering the serpentine figure

Shoulder in on the Circle

Shoulder in on the Circle

Renvers on the circle

Crossing over on the Volte

Row of bars

Rod snake

Cloverleaf around poles

Compasses downsizing over poles

Looped serpentine at trot and canter

Rod compartments

Poles and pylons

Backwards around pylons

Leg yielding over bars

Large bar square

Staggered bars

Small pole square I

Spatial circles

Small pole square II


Curved alley

Small square of poles III

Small bar square V

Small pole square VI

Bar triangle I

Bar triangle II

Bar triangle III

Bar triangle V

Backwards through bar lanes

Backwards through a bar-L

Reduce bars

Trot and gallop cavaletti on the circle

Going backwards - Pr. Ex

Inclined bars

Pole row with intermediate step

Slalom at canter

Small bar square IV

4 Poles and 3 Gaits

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