Grooming of the horse

Overview selected tag

Ranking fights

Safety through knowledge of behavioral patterns

Safety through suitable equipment

Security through qualified training

The horse an escape animal - What to consider to avoid accidents

Tying the horse

Leading the horse

Approaching the horse

How to groom the tail

Wash buckets and sponges

Anti-snow pad

Leading with a lead chain

Leading with halter and rope

Braiding/ sewing in

Lifting of the hoof

Cleaning utensils - basic equipment

Long hair care

Cleaning - why and for what

Mane brush - mane comb

Curry comb and body brush

Dandy brush

Grooming after riding

Hoof care and shoeing

Hoof correction by the farrier

The coat of the horse

hoof oil, hoof grease, hoof tar

Hoof pick

The sequence for cleaning

Horse care

Horse clipping

Washing and hairdressing

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