Racing seat
Racing seat © Rubly

Racing seat

The racing seat is required exclusively in gallop and only by already experienced riders for the section "racetrack" within an eventing competition. Its character is exclusively relieving.
Due to the significantly shortened stirrups, the use of a jumping saddle or an eventing saddle - with the emphasis on jumping - is necessary.
In the racing seat the stirrups are buckled a few more holes shorter than in the light seat, so that the buttocks are lifted out of the saddle.

  • The rider's weight is increasingly taken up by the knees and heel.
  • A firm knee closure and a vertical lower leg are required to maintain balance at racetrack pace.
  • The heel should absorb the galloping movement downwards with a springy ankle joint.
  • The upper body is tilted forward so that it is approximately parallel to the horse's neck.
  • The upper arms are taken in front of the body.
Racing seat
Racing seat © Victoria Rubly
  • The hands are placed on the left and right about a hand's breadth under the mane comb.
  • The elbows must not be spread.
  • The nodding movement of the head and neck of the fast galloping horse is permitted when the horse is leaning securely by moving smoothly out of the elbow joints.
  • When leaning steadily, the forehead-nose-line of the horse should be well in front of the vertical.
  • A secure but not jamming knee closure and lower legs lying on the girth provide stability.
  • In order not to disturb the horse and to sit securely in balance at all times, the rider may also choose the bridle rein.
Racing seat
Racing seat © Rubly

More knowledge for you:

Our training tips:

#Basic for successful education #Development of the seat #Lexicon #Seat and action of the rider # Further disciplines