SAP Hale Bob OLD retired due to injury

One of the absolute guarantors of success in German eventing "SAP Hale Bob OLD" says goodbye to retirement due to injury.

Cross country obstacle
Cross country obstacle © Willmen

The now 18-year-old "Bobby", as he is affectionately called in the stable, can look back on a remarkable sporting career with his rider Ingrid Klimke.

He twice won individual gold in eventing at the European Championships in Strzegom and Luhmühlen.

For a long time, the inconspicuous bay stood in the shadow of his stable mate "Escada". After their retirement, Bobby showed what he was made of for the first time. For many years he was a sure constant in the German eventing team.

On her Instagram page, Klimke wrote: "At the test event for the World Eventing Championships in Italy, SAP Hale Bob OLD, #sapsuperBobby, was on the German team. After a commanding first half off-road, he injured a tendon on the course between the obstacles. I noticed immediately that something not correct and the exam was stopped immediately. Luckily, Bobby is in the best hands with our team veterinarian Dr. Matthias Niederhofer and is taken care of and spoiled by us."

It has not yet been announced whether an official retirement is planned.

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